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The Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) is responsible for the content of this website. We do our utmost to keep the information on this site up-to-date and accurate.


The Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) is responsible for the content of this website. We do our utmost to keep the information on this site up-to-date and accurate. Please let us know if you discover any incorrect or outdated information. Questions, comments and suggestions about the functioning and the design of this site are also more than welcome. You can use the feedback button with smileys on the right-hand side of this page.


All information that you provide us with will be treated confidentially. We will only use your personal details for the purpose for which you submit them.


DUO aims to allow all possible users access to the site. We largely comply with the government Web Guidelines. Read our accessibility statement for more information.

Email DUO

DUO aims to be accessible to everyone. You can chat with us and you can call us. Do you live abroad and are you unable to contact us during our opening hours? You can also email us. Allow the pop up for your location on the Contacting DUO page. The email button appears when your time zone differs by more than 2 hours with the Netherlands.

There are some topics about which you can always email us. You'll see an email address or contact form on the page regarding that topic. For example: lifelong learning credit, diploma legalisation, teaching qualifications. When you receive a notice with an email address, you can reply to that address.

Mijn DUO

When you log in to Mijn DUO for the first time, you'll see a page with conditions. On this, we tell you things you need to know about Mijn DUO (in Dutch only).

Calculation tools

The results provided by the calculation tools are indicative. You will be informed of the exact amounts by DUO.

Web archive

Do you want to know what this site looked like on a specific date? Go to the web archive Link opent externe pagina and click on the desired date.