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Checks performed by DUO

DUO implements various schemes. We perform checks for all grants to make sure payment has been justified. We check your information as much as possible with other authorities, such as the Tax and Customs Administration, the municipality, and the SVB. These are the most common checks:

Check on students living away from home

If you receive a grant for students living away from home, we will check if you are living away from both of your parents. We do this by reviewing the registration data of the municipality and through house calls, among other means. If you have unduly received a grant for living away from home, you must obviously pay it back.

On the Privacy Statement page, you can find more information about how DUO conducts this check and which personal details are used.

Income check

Are you a student, a student's parent or paying back a student loan? If so, we will check your income with the Tax and Customs Administration.

Enrolment check – if we can’t check with your school or university

We will check with your school or university whether you are enrolled. There are also checks on enrolments abroad.

Are we unable to check your enrolment with the school? And were you enrolled with a private institution or a programme abroad? If so, we will send you a letter asking for proof of enrolment. Please use the Control enrolment form to provide this. But don’t send us this form until you have received the letter.

Enrolment check – student finance unduly cancelled

Did we unduly cancel your student finance while you were registered with a Dutch, non-private study programme? Please go the administrative department of your educational institution. Ask them to register your enrolment with the Register Onderwijsdeelnemers (ROD). After this, contact us to undo the cancellation of your student finance.

Proof if you are in a private or foreign programme

If you were you enrolled with a private institution or a programme abroad, you will have to provide proof of enrolment yourself. There are 2 options:

  • Ask your educational institution complete the 'Control Enrolment' form. You need to fill out part of the form yourself. Then upload the form in Mijn DUO or mail it to documenten@duo.nl.
  • Mail an original statement of enrolment to documenten@duo.nl. This statement must be issued recently and include all the information that is in the 'Control Enrolment' form. Always include your burgerservicenummer (BSN) and signature in the letter.
Tuition fees loan check

Are you paying more than the statutory tuition fees and did you apply for a tuition fees loan? Please complete your part of the statement and ask your educational institution to complete the rest.

Lifelong learning credit check

Are you paying more than the statutory tuition fees or course fees and did you apply for a lifelong learning credit? Please complete your part of the statement and ask your educational institution to complete the rest.

Make sure that your details are up-to-date

Prevent problems and make sure that DUO always has your up-to-date study details, income, and address.

  • You can submit changes via Mijn DUO.
  • If you leave for a foreign country, you must notify DUO of your address abroad.
  • Make sure to download the DigiD app Link opent externe pagina before leaving.
  • Contact us if you do not have access to Mijn DUO.

Received too much

Did you receive too much student finance? If so, we will deduct the excess from your monthly payments. If you are not or no longer receiving student finance, we will send you a request for payment. If you do not pay the payment request before its due date, the overpaid amount will automatically become a loan. This loan will then incur interest. The same applies to any overpaid grant for students in secondary education.

Student travel product fine

Wrongful use of the student travel product in 2025 is subject to a fine of €92.98 per half a calendar month for the 1st month. After the 1st month, the fine amounts to €185.98 per half a calendar month. The first half of the month runs up to and includes the 15th day of the month.

Once you have received a notice regarding the fine, you will receive a payment request asking you to settle the amount in 1 payment. You can also request a instalment plan. A public transportation fine cannot be added to the student loan.

Fines and reports

A fine can be imposed in addition to the overpaid amount and any student travel product fine. If large sums or intentional acts or omissions are involved, DUO will file a report with the Netherlands Public Prosecution Service.

Foreign debtors address check

If you move abroad, you must notify DUO of your new address. Do you have a student loan and did you fail to notify DUO of your address abroad? DUO works with domestic and foreign authorities to retrieve your address. You then need to pay the overdue amount at once. After several warnings, DUO hands over the collection to a bailiff. The costs involved will be at your expense.

Do you fail to repay your student loan and don’t you inform us about your foreign address? If the overdue payments exceed €5,000, DUO may register your details with the passport alerts register . If the overdue amount is very high, you may be registered in the judicial search register .