Naar In brief

Annual reporting

  1. In brief
  2. Funding details
  3. Annual reporting

Annual reporting

By 1 July each year, you must send in your annual report to clarify how your school has spent the funding. In the annual report, your school board reports on general matters and its policies  in the year to which the report relates.

What should you supply?

The annual report consists of:

  1. the submission form.
  2. the annual report (the report by the board, annual financial accounts and other data). Please visit Regulations on annual reporting by BES educational establishments Link opent externe pagina  (in Dutch) for more explanation.
  3. the audit statement by your accountant. Please visit Educational audit protocol Link opent externe pagina  (in Dutch) for more details.
  4. the report of findings or exception reports. This is only necessary if 1 of these documents has been issued by your accountant.

You must send the documents by email and by post to DUO.

By email

Send your annual report and funding details (assurance report) to

By post

You must also send in the documents by post.

Island Adress
Bonaire Kaya International z/n P.O. Box 357 Kralendijk
Sint-Eustatius Mazinga Complex A,B Fort Oranjestraat
Saba The Bottom

Submission letters and forms


Use Ctrl+F to quickly search for your board’s submission letter and submission form. 


If DUO has not received the annual report or the required funding details by 1 July, this will affect your funding. It may result in a financial penalty. To find out more, please visit ‘Beleidsregel financiële sancties bij bekostigde onderwijsinstellingen 2022’ under ‘More information’.

National Education Programme (NPO)

Primary and secondary schools in the Caribbean Netherlands receive special and additional funding as part of the National Education Programme. School boards must use the ‘Formulier Opgave NPO 2023’ to provide details on the activities that this funding has been used for. You will find an explanation in Dutch and in English.

Managing (teacher) workload

In the Caribbean Netherlands, secondary schools receive additional funding for dealing with workload. Use the form 'Opgave Werkdrukmiddelen vo' (Statement workload funding vo) to specify how the school board has spent the funding. You will find an explanation in Dutch and in English.

Email the filled in form to by 1 July.

Contact us

Email us at if you have any questions.

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